Our nutrition program is nutritionally balanced at a modest price to insure benefits for our senior population.
Lunch is served at 11:45am. The nutrition program is sponsored by New Castle County and the State Division of Aging with funds from the Older Americans Act of 1965 under the guidelines and request of the Federal Government. It is now necessary to show proof of age for new members.
Please adhere to the following lunch policy:
Advance sign-up is required for lunch. Two days notice is requested. When you sign in, you will make your nutrition donation. You will receive a ticket which you must have to go through the lunch line.
Please try to be here by 11am to stop by the desk, pay for your lunch and pickup your ticket.
Thank you - Lori Lentz, Nutrition Site Manager
Suggested Donation Guidelines
Donation_____________Monthly Income
$3.25 ............................ $1200+
$3.00 ............................ $900-$1199
$2.75 ............................ $600-$899
$2.25 ............................ Less than $599
Additional Suggested Donations
County Designated 4-star Meals - $2.50-$2.75
Holiday / Special Meals - $3.00
Under 60 Years - Regular $4.25, 4-star $4.50, Holiday/Special $4.75
Breakfast Bags - $1.50
Dinner Boxes/Bags - $2.25
Food stamps may be used in lieu of a cash contribution for the meal.
Food Services